We train therapists to competently counsel, speak, and write about Sexuality and Sex Therapy

Program Overview

Our Faculty

Open Registrations

While some courses are appropriate for physicians, pastors, other allied professionals, and occasionally lay caregivers, courses are developed with the assumption that the student has already received at least basic training in therapy skills and theoretical models.

Program Overview

ISW professors and graduates are competent practitioners, researchers, educators, and developers of theory and interventions in sexuality and sex therapy. All courses require professional reading and assignments, attendance, and a final exam. Student assignments for each class emphasize and encourage scholarly writing in the field.

  • ISW has developed 150+ clock hours of graduate-level training in sexuality and sex therapy from a Christian perspective.

  • ISW courses are offered at several locations in partnership with universities and seminaries. Courses are equivalent to 28-40 hours (2-3 graduate semester hours), in accordance with the partner school, and are offered in intensive formats taught Friday through Sunday or Monday through Friday, depending on the location.

  • ISW courses are predominantly taught by a team, as a team provides a breadth of perspectives, theories, and therapeutic applications.

  • To complete the program, students must complete 5 ISW courses (1 Introductory Course, 3 Intermediate Courses, and 1 Advanced Course from a selection of 4). Participants and students can complete the entire program within two years, though many of our students pace the program to meet their professional and personal goals and needs.

Alumni are welcome to return and audit online previously completed courses when they are taught during the academic year for 22 CEUs.

Introductory Course

Introduction to Human Sexuality & Sex Therapy

Introduction to Human Sexuality and Sex Therapy is the prerequisite for all other ISW courses, offering an overview of: a brief history of sexology, reproductive anatomy/physiology, sexual response, sexual dysfunctions, basic interventions for common sexual problems, sexual development and identity, typical and atypical sexual behavior, and compulsive sexuality.

Informed by current research and theory in sexology, students will explore and define a biblical and practical theology of sex.

Intermediate Courses

Intermediate Foundations of Sex Therapy

(Formerly Basic Issues in Sex Therapy)


  • Introduction to Human Sexuality & Sex Therapy

This course focuses on the profession of sex therapy, exploring historical, ethical, cultural, and research issues. Ethical dilemmas and decision-making in sex therapy are explored. Students expand their understanding and skills in working with sexuality in special populations, such as aging, chronic illness, and neurodiversity.

Intermediate Medical & Trauma Issues

(Formerly Sexuality: Medical Issues, Trauma, and Abuse)


  • Introduction to Human Sexuality & Sex Therapy

This course focuses on physiological issues of sexuality, including hormones and the effects of medications on sexual functioning. Students will explore current theories and research in recovery from sexual trauma and affairs. Special attention is given to the problem of pain and self-care of the therapist when working with trauma.

Intermediate Sex Therapy Protocols

(Formerly Sexual Dysfunctions, Addictive, Compulsive, and Paraphilic Sexuality)


  • Introduction to Human Sexuality & Sex Therapy

Students will be trained to identify and diagnose sexual dysfunctions and how to use standard treatment protocols for addressing sexual pain, desire, arousal, and orgasmic disorders. In addition, students are introduced to the current perspectives and recent changes in the diagnostic considerations, treatment models, and risk assessments of sexual addiction/compulsivity, paraphilias, and paraphilic disorders.

Advanced Courses

Advanced Sex Therapy: Dysfunctions

(Formerly Advanced Sex Therapy)


  • Introduction to Human Sexuality & Sex Therapy

  • Intermediate Sex Therapy Protocols

Currently taught by Dr. Clifford and Joyce Penner, this advanced course takes an in-depth look at treatment for sexual dysfunctions. Benefitting from the Faculty’s 85+ years of combined experience as sex therapists and trainers, students will develop an assessment tool for use in their therapy sessions. Case studies are presented, and treatment goals and techniques fine-tuned by class discussion with these expert faculty.

Advanced Sex Therapy: Addictions

(Formerly Advanced Sexual Addictions Counseling)


  • Introduction to Human Sexuality & Sex Therapy

  • Intermediate Sex Therapy Protocols

An advanced study of current theories and treatment approaches addressing problematic hypersexuality (compulsive and addictive sexuality). Students will explore the diagnosis, etiology, treatment, recovery process, and current research findings for problems with compulsive sexuality.

Advanced Sexual Identity & Gender Identity

(Formerly Sexual Orientation, Sexual Identity, & Gender Identity)


  • Introduction to Human Sexuality & Sex Therapy

  • Intermediate Foundations of Sex Therapy

Currently taught by Dr. Mark Yarhouse and team, this advanced specialization course focuses on an intermediate and advanced understanding of the topics of sexual orientation, sexual identity, and gender identity. It considers theological, biological, and sociocultural perspectives on sexual orientation, sexual identity, and gender identity, as well as clinical and applied perspectives with a focus on assessment and intervention when clients present with concerns related to sexual or gender identity.

Advanced Sex Therapy: Trauma & Abuse

(Formerly Advanced Sexual Trauma and Abuse)


  • Introduction to Human Sexuality & Sex Therapy

  • Intermediate Medical & Trauma Issues

This course focuses on current thinking in the assessment and treatment of individuals with a history of sexual trauma and abuse within the context of sex therapy. Common trauma topics such as PTSD, complex trauma, rape, incest, and dissociation are discussed. Special focus is given to recognizing and treating the effects of trauma on couple relationships.

All Upcoming Courses