Introduction to Human Sexuality and Sex Therapy
6 Month, Asynchronous Access
This course is a prerequisite for all other ISW courses.
This course counts toward ABCST certification:
30 hours toward the 150 Sex Therapy Training hour requirement
2 hours of Faith Integration
In this Course
Introduction to Human Sexuality and Sex Therapy is the prerequisite for all other ISW courses, offering an overview of:
A brief history of sexology
Reproductive anatomy/physiology
Sexual response
Sexual dysfunctions
Basic interventions for common sexual problems
Sexual development and identity
Typical and atypical sexual behavior
Compulsive sexuality
Informed by current research and theory in sexology, students will explore and define a biblical and practical theology of sex.
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Course Assignments & Requirements:
1,000 pages of Reading
Sexual Autobiography Report
Theology of Sex Paper
Final Exam
To apply toward ABCST Certification, student must complete the course with a passing grade (70%).
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