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We are Excited to Announce Dr. Gary Barnes as Director of The Institute for Sexual Wholeness (ISW)

What Is
Sex Therapy?
Sex therapy is designed to help people work through sexual problems and improve their sexual pleasure and satisfaction. Physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual issues all can contribute to or cause sexual challenges.
The client and therapist discuss the client’s history, experiences, emotions, and beliefs to identify what may have caused, contributed to, or is sustaining the sexual problem and dissatisfaction. Usually, sex therapy involves assignments the individual or couple work on at home between therapy sessions. Assignments frequently involve communication, physical and sexual education, decreasing anxiety, increasing curiosity, and exploration of sensation and perception. Certified Sex Therapists have specialized training in both psychotherapy and sexuality. Certifying Boards have specific educational and experience requirements for those they certify, and a requirement for a period of consultation or supervision under a qualified sex therapist while the therapist is learning how to do sex therapy.
Certified Sex Therapists treat a variety of issues, including:
Female arousal problems
Compulsive sexual behaviors
Delayed ejaculation
Desire discrepancy
Distress about sexual orientation or gender identity
Distress about sexual preferences
Erectile dysfunction
Low sexual desire
Orgasm difficulties
Painful sex
Persistent genital arousal disorder
Premature ejaculation
Sexual anxiety
Sexual trauma
Sex therapy also often incorporates other professionals such as sexual medicine doctors, other medical personnel, pelvic floor physical therapists, and other adjunctive therapies.
About Us
Sexual Wholeness, Inc. grew out of a desire to provide high-quality training to equip pastors and counselors to address sexual attitudes and problems in the church and the counseling office. We began by teaching seminars in churches, continuing education workshops in communities, and Introduction to human sexuality and sex therapy in graduate schools. Counselors and pastors continued to ask for more in-depth training. After examining the existing training programs and certifications, we designed a training program and certification that met or exceeded the educational and experience areas of the two certifying organizations in existence, integrated with a positive, Christian theology of sex and sexuality.
Since 2000, our Introduction to Human Sexuality course has been taught at Asbury Theological Seminary, Dallas Theological Seminary, Denver Seminary, Harding University, Liberty University, Pepperdine University, Reformed Theological Seminary, Regent University, Richmont Graduate University, Rosemead School of Psychology, Talbot School of Theology, Trevecca Nazarene University, and Wheaton College. Our intermediate and advanced courses are offered at Richmont Graduate University in Atlanta, Georgia, and will be offered in our Dallas classroom beginning in early 2023.
We strive to provide a comprehensive, practical training program in human sexuality and sex therapy, grounded in Christian faith, to prepare clinicians to effectively help those seeking guidance for sexual concerns and problems. Our professors are clinicians, educators, and researchers, each with a commitment to Christ. We work to stay current in the field of sex therapy and sexuality, as well as vibrant in our pursuit of Jesus.
The Institute for Sexual Wholeness
ISW exists to provide high-quality professional training in sex therapy from a Christian perspective independently and through partnerships throughout the nation. Our students include graduate-level counseling students, licensed mental health professionals, pastors and clergy, and medical professionals.
The American Board of Christian Sex Therapists
ABCST serves as the only national Christian certifying body for qualified professionals seeking certification in Christian Sex Therapy. Certification by ABCST requires rigorous academic training and field-related experience under the consultation of an approved ABCST consultant.